Libra Vibes: Womb Wellness, Boundaries, and Letting Go

Cleansing: Time to Let That Stuff Go 🌾

Okay, real talk: Fall is all about cleansing—out with the old, in with the new! It's giving new moon, new pussy, and new boundaries vibes. Whether it’s releasing toxins from the body (bye-bye, yeast and excess discharge!) or letting go of those patterns that no longer honor who you’re becoming in this season of your life, it’s time for a deep cleanse, babe.

With the New Moon in Libra, we’re reflecting on the juicy themes of equity, justice, and connection. This eclipse is calling us to get real about what brings true balance and fairness into our lives. When we ask ourselves the tough questions, we open up space for growth—and, honestly, a whole lot of pleasure too.

Now’s the time to take a good, hard look at where you’ve been sacrificing your true self in relationships. Have you been biting your tongue just to keep the peace? Holding back your truth because you’re scared to stir the pot? No more of that, babe. This moon is about speaking your truth and letting go of all that pussy-souring energy. Every time you abandon your needs, desires, or boundaries, you’re abandoning your pussy. And we’re not doing that anymore.

Questions to Ponder:

  • What harmful actions or behaviors do I continuously excuse?
  • How have these actions or behaviors affected my womb and my overall health?
  • What boundaries do I need to create or maintain to protect myself and my energy?

And hey, if this resonates with you and you're ready to dive even deeper into cleansing, nourishing, and rebalancing your womb this Fall, I’ve got something cooking!  I’m thinking of hosting a workshop where we can explore these themes together—think intimate vibes, deep conversations, practical tips, and some juicy womb wellness rituals. 🌿💫

What do you think? Would you be down to join me for a deeper dive into all things pussy power and womb wellness? Let me know in the comments if you're feeling the vibes, and I’ll keep you posted!


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